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Torre de Babel

established in São Paulo / SP

operating in São Paulo / SP

institution/school - Torre de Babel

programs offered: Classroom and distance classes of Portuguese as a Foreign Language, as a Second Language and as a Heritage Language / Preparatory classes for Celpe-Bras / Welcome to Brazil Program / Teacher Training / Elaboration of printed and digital didactic material

description: A Foreign Language Consulting and Training institute specializing in ‘in-company’ courses, Torre de Babel has been teaching English, German, Spanish, French, Japanese, Italian and Portuguese for Foreigners to professionals from the most diverse fields for over 37 years now. Torre de Babel not only gives private classes but also develops solutions integrated to the needs of Human Resources Departments making the courses especially adequate to each specific need..



Av. Paulista, 1765 - 7° andar, conjunto 72 - CV: 9598 Bela Vista - São Paulo - SP / 01311-930

+55 11 99323.4794

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